Bible Quest Game
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Bible Quest is a new Heavenly Twist on an Old Classic Game
((TAP)) On the "Game Setup" button to setup the level of difficulty and enable the timer
Within the Game Setup, ((TAP)) on one of three levels of difficulty
Within the Game Setup, ((TAP)) on the "Play Game w/Timer" OFF/ON button to either enable or disable the timer
If you have chosen to enable the timer, ((TAP)) on the OFF/ON button to enable or disable either of two timer display options
After the desired choices are made, ((TAP)) on the "Save Changes" button to save your selections
Lastly, ((TAP)) on the "Back" button to return to the Bible Quest Main Screen
((TAP)) on one letter at a time until the word is correctly guessed or the game is over
When you ((TAP)) on each letter, if correctly chosen it will be displayed in the proper position
When you ((TAP)) on each letter, if incorrectly chosen it will transition a section of the Angel Image
You can only have up to 6 missed letters before the Angel Image is completely transitioned and the game is over
If you have enabled the timer, when then timer reaches 0:00, the game will be over
If you have been successful in guessing the entire word, your reward is coming ... just watch the screen
If you have been unsuccessful in guessing the entire word, ((TAP)) on "Try Again" to start a new game
Lastly, ((TAP)) the "Back" button to return to the Bible Quest Main Screen
When you have correctly identified the word, the Angel will spin away and a new page will slowly appear that contains the following:
At the top of the page the word you correctly identified will display
Next, the Hebrew (Old Testament) or Greek (New Testament) version of the word will display
After that ... the entire Bible Verse (including the identified word) will display
Lastly, ((TAP)) the "Back" button to return to play another game
((TAP)) on the "Share This App" button to automatically create an email for you to send to a friend about the Bible Quest App
((TAP)) on the "Game Instructions" button to call up an Internet session that will take you to this Bible Quest Features page
((TAP)) on the "Report Issues" button to call up an Internet session that will take you to the Bible Quest Contacts page
((TAP)) on the "Rate This App" button to be taken to the App Store to rate and/or review the Bible Quest App
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Harvest Integrity Systems, Inc.
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